
  • Corpus Hermeticum Pdf Ita Torrent
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 21. 18:15

    Hermetica is a category of popular Late Antique literature purporting to contain secret wisdom, and generally attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, 'thrice-great Hermes', a syncretism of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian Thoth. A collection of several such Greek texts from the second and third centuries, survivors from a more extensive literature, were compiled into a Corpus Hermeticum by Italian scholars during the Renaissance, notably by Marsilio Ficino, whose Latin translation went through eight incunable editions before 1500, and a further twenty-two by 1641.

    1. Corpus Hermeticum Pdf Free
    2. Corpus Hermeticum Pdf
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    Corpus Hermeticum Pdf Free


    Corpus Hermeticum Pdf

    Other Hermetic works, however, existed in Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, and other languages. Free E-Book attached.

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