
  • Powerpoint 2007 Download Gratis Italiano Per Windows 7
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 19. 12:51

    Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Editor's Review Microsoft's PowerPoint 2010 free trial rings a number of changes on the 2007 version. In particular, the 'ribbon' interface has been given a new look that's closer to 2003's menu bar. The File menu returns to PowerPoint 2010, although it now takes you to a separate screen. The change from the menu bar to the ribbon in 2007 did not play especially well with many users. Those who found that ribbon less than intuitive may see 2010's updated ribbon as a return to form.

    The File menu button was replaced by the Windows orb in 2007, but now it's back with a new twist. Instead of opening a menu, it now transports you to the 'Backstage' view - a full screen of controls.

    Backstage is where you access all of the save controls, the options for printing and sharing, and some features like exporting your presentation as a HD video file. Sharing has never been easier, with the option to upload your presentations onto Skydrive, Windows Live's free file hosting service. Other innovations that stood out include the much-improved multimedia media functionality, with more and better effects, animations and transitions. You can embed videos from YouTube, bookmark specific scenes, and trim videos without needing to open the video editing tool. Pros: Improved interface, updated multimedia features, free cloud hosting. Cons: Extra features make for a more complicated program, while very advanced user.

    Conclusion: A cleaned-up interface and lots of extra features. For new or occasional users it may be bewildering, while advanced multi-media fans may find it lacking. Download PowerPoint 2010 and see for yourself.

    Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Publisher's Description.


    Powerpoint 2007 Download Gratis Italiano Windows 7

    . Note You do not need Office Animation Runtime if you already have PowerPoint 2007 or earlier installed. Office Animation Runtime allows you to view Microsoft PowerPoint 2002, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Web presentations that contain animations in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. PowerPoint 2002 and later versions provide animation capabilities that significantly enhance your presentation. Among the animation features provided are the following:. an exciting set of new effects. more control over timing and synchronization.

    builds for diagrams. support for multiple effects simultaneously in a shape.

    more control of audio and video playback. a number of animation schemes To view presentations saved in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that take advantage of these new animation features, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later and have Office Animation Runtime installed. Without these, animations will not run and the Web presentation may not play back as the author intended. For more information about using animation features in your Web presentation, read.

    Powerpoint 2007 Download Gratis Italiano Per Windows 7

    Powerpoint 2007 Download Gratis Italiano Per Windows 7

    To install this download Note Uninstall any previous version of the Office Animation Engine before installing this updated version. You may want to print this page to use as a reference when you are offline. Download the file from this page by clicking the Download button above and following the instructions in the dialog boxes. Double-click the msorun.exe program file on your hard disk to start the setup program. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. Instructions for use: To view a Web presentation that contains animations after installing Office Animation Runtime, just open the Web presentation in Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.

    Note To display animations in the Web browser, the Web presentation must be saved with the Show slide animation while browsing check box selected in ( Web Options dialog box, General tab). To remove this download:. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. In the Install/Uninstall list, select Office Animation Runtime, and then click Add/Remove. Click Remove All. Click Next.

    Click Finish to complete and exit the installer.

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